Gastroenterology studies the organs and diseases of the digestive system. It refers to the diseases experienced in the stomach and intestines that make up the digestive system and to treat these diseases with appropriate methods and tools. The digestive system is an organ system that consists of many organs and is connected with other systems and works actively throughout life. For this reason, digestive organs can be affected by many conditions such as nutrition type, genetic or congenital factors or environmental factors.
Appropriate treatment in gastroenterological disorders may be possible with the correct diagnosis. In our hospital, we aim for treatment as soon as possible by making the most accurate diagnosis by using equipment and devices specially produced for animals, as required by modern medicine. In our hospital, we try to apply the right treatment method for our pets by reaching the correct diagnosis with haematological, serological and gastrointestinal tests.
Gastrointestinal problems can come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, making diagnostic tests vitally important to caring for your pet. Once diagnosed, our veterinarians will work to ensure that your pet receives the appropriate treatment to regain their comfort in life.
Diseases of the digestive system, which are commonly diagnosed in your pets who share the same environment with us, can be listed mainly as gastroenteritis, pancreatitis, colic, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, various conditions that lead to small intestine malabsorption.
As in humans, digestive problems in animals can occur in a very unpleasant way. In diseases and disorders of the digestive system it can commonly manifest as various symptoms such as bloating in the abdomen, loss of appetite, diarrhoea, weight loss, flatulence, bloody stools. If you are seeing one of these symptoms, it is important that you take a close eye on your pet. If your pet continues to experience vomiting or diarrheal problems, contact us. Delaying the treatment of a patient who shows these symptoms may cause us to miss a serious disease chart and worsening of the patient.
In the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, we recommend that you get support from our expert veterinarians in order to carry out careful tests for the correct diagnosis. Our Veterinarians will support you in diagnosing and treating the patient’s condition and preparing a treatment plan that will work best for you and your pet. While most digestive system problems can be solved with small and simple changes or adjustments in the diet, we may encounter situations that may require long-term treatment and even surgery in more advanced cases. This is why it is important to contact our physicians at the right time to determine what is best for your pet.
Cats, by nature, clean themselves with the help of their tongues, swallow the hair that falls out during the licking process. Especially during the seasonal transitions, the increase in the hair loss causes an increase in the amount of hair swallowed and causes the amount of hair accumulated in the stomach to be excessive. At certain times of the day or on some days of the week at intervals, the reason why cats vomit for no reason is the result of throwing out the hairs that are swallowed and accumulated in the stomach. Periodically, cats’ interest in grass, leaves or various flowers is due to the fact that they eat plants to help them remove the hair clumps they swallow. The exact reason why cats and dogs eat plants has not been revealed yet. Monitoring of plants consumed by cats should be done well. In addition to foods consumed by humans such as onions, garlic and grapes, green leafy plants such as Hyacinth, Lily, Schefflera, Dumb Cane, etc. For this reason, it will be safer for your cat’s health to choose cat malt or special foods produced for this purpose to help cats remove the hair clumps they swallowed.
It is important to routinely apply internal and external parasites treatments to the cats you care for, and to apply annual repeat vaccinations, as it reduces the risk of encountering digestive system diseases caused by parasites.
In cats, we may encounter oral and dental diseases due to stress, environmental effects or idiopathically (without a cause). Wounds and ulcers in the mouth and gums can be caused by Calicivirus but can also be seen due to chemical substances or immune-related reasons. We can often encounter Gingivitis or Gingivostomatitis in cats. While some cases of gingivitis are the type that responds quickly to treatment, in some cases the treatment may take longer. Gingivitis manifests itself as reluctance to eat and pain during chewing. Cats are animals that consume food selectively, so it is important to monitor their food preferences before suspecting this disease. Being hungry for a long time can be life-threatening for cats. For this reason, it is recommended that cats who are indifferent to food should apply to the hospital quickly. Prolonged fasting can lead to death as a result of fatty liver in cats.
It is important cats who repeatedly vomit, are uninterested in food and are reluctant to move, should apply to the hospital quickly. Because vomiting can be seen not only in stomach diseases, but also in cases of kidney, liver, pancreas and ingestion of foreign bodies. In such cases, it is vitally important to diagnose the disease and start treatment without wasting time.
Pankreatit kedilerde hastalığın ilk başlarında durgunluk, iştahsızlık ve dışarıya karşı ilgisizlik olarak kendini göstermektedir. Unfortunately, this disease, which can be fatal, requires rapid treatment. The fact that patients stay away from food for a long time and do not defecate can mask this disease in some cats. The fact that patients stay away from food for a long time and do not defecate can mask this disease in some cats.
Pancreatitis in cats at the beginning of the disease manifests itself as stagnation, loss of appetite and indifference to the outside. For this reason, it can be overlooked by the patient owners for a long time. Pancreatitis is a disease that is difficult to treat but is life-threatening if left untreated. This disease is often overlooked because only vomiting and loss of appetite can manifest itself, or its symptoms are not noticed when adequate and correct examinations are not performed. Therefore, panthetic lipase measurement and ultrasound-guided examination of the pancreas are important.
Because of their gluttony, dogs may constantly be inclined to eat foreign objects such as carpet, wool, rope, stone and metal. If a swallowed foreign body stays between the teeth, it can cause intense pain as well as cause injuries and bleeding. Foreign bodies remaining in various parts of the oesophagus, stomach or intestines can cause obstruction and cause gangrene as a result of the pressure on the vessels. Thread-like foreign bodies can become life-threatening by getting stuck under the tongue, on the teeth or sticking to another area, causing the intestines to be compressed and gangrenous. When this happens, the shape of the intestines resembles kokoreç, a Turkish street food. It is necessary to detect such foreign bodies in the early stages and to remove them by endoscopy or surgical operation according to the size and structure of the object.
Vomiting in dogs is not only caused by foreign bodies. Vomiting may occur due to metabolic diseases, kidney, liver or pancreatic diseases and infectious diseases.
Since prolonged vomiting will cause fluid and electrolyte loss, it should be taken seriously and treatment should be started in the early period.
In puppies that are just weaned and introduced to new solid food, diarrhoea or vomiting may result as the stomach and intestinal flora encounter a new nutrient. Beginners with solid food may also experience an overfilling of the stomach with gas. Since the stomach is full of gas is life-threatening, it should be treated urgently and may even require an operation.
Diarrhoea in dogs can be caused by CDV (Canine Distemper), CPV (Canine Parvovirus / Parvo), CCV (Canine Coronavirus) diseases or food-borne bacteria such as Salmonella, E.coli, Clostridium or protozoans such as Giardia, Coccidiosis and parasites such as hookworm.
Dog parvo presents with vomiting and diarrhoea. In the early stages of the disease, it starts with only vomiting and turns into a foul-smelling, dense blood and intestinal mucosa. Fluid and electrolyte loss in the form of both vomiting and diarrhoea in patients creates a severe disease chart. Initiation of treatment in the early period will increase the chance of survival of the patient. Because parvoviral diarrhoea is a serious disease. Since it has the ability to reproduce both in the intestinal mucosa and in the heart muscle, death can be seen as a result of sudden heart attack due to myocardial infection as well as diarrhoea.
PhD Veterinarian
Tuğrul Çağrı GÜL
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If your dog is small (under 12 kilos), you can pick it up by placing one arm under its chest, between its legs, grasping its back with the same arm and squeezing it between your chest and arm. . If you have a medium-sized dog (12-18 kilos), you can hold your arm, which will act as a lever, between its hind legs, and your other arm between its front legs and fix it with your chest. This keeps your dog well supported and comfortable. For larger breeds, the ideal way of picking up is for 2 people to do it, one person holding it under its chest and another person holding its stomach.
An occasional hairball is not unusual. However, frequent vomiting (with or without hairballs in the vomit), coughing is not normal and may indicate health problems other than the hairballs. Cats with these symptoms may have gastrointestinal disease, skin disease, or a variety of other health issues. If your cat is showing such symptoms, it should be examined by a veterinarian.
In general, the most important symptoms are fatigue and fluff of feathers. Birds fluff their feathers and usually stop at a certain place without moving much. There is fatigue. It does not move, does not make a sound, does not play games like it used to. It prefers to remain calm. Spends most of the day asleep. There is lack of appetite. Feed consumption is reduced. Do not forget to consult a veterinarian.
Bad odour caused by bacteria may occur in cat mouths that are not clean enough. . In addition, tooth and gum diseases can also cause the mouth to smell bad. Your cat’s poor-quality diet or skin disease can also cause bad breath. Infection in the respiratory tract, liver or kidneys are also seen as other factors that cause bad breath.
It is as if the kohl has been painted around its eyes. They do not grow very large. They are also known for their insatiability. You need to be more meticulous about in order for them to not gain too much weight and not deteriorate their health.
It is as if the kohl has been painted around its eyes. They do not grow very large. They are also known for their insatiability. You need to be more meticulous about in order for them to not gain too much weight and not deteriorate their health.
Cat owners often (and mistakenly) believe that because their cat lives in the house, fleas and other parasites will not be a problem. Fleas can find their way indoors very easily, hitchhiking on your clothes or a dog going out, or finding their way through small openings in window doors. Intestinal parasites such as tapeworms and roundworms can also be a problem. Mosquitoes can also find their way indoors and potentially expose your cat to heartworms. Mosquitoes can also find their way indoors and potentially expose your cat to heartworms.