entrderuHer gün 09:00- 19:00 +90 546 107 3600[email protected]

Hairdressing Service

Hairdressing Service

Pet hairdressing service is a very important service for pets. Our services, which are carried out in an extremely hygienic, well-maintained and controlled manner, are completed in a short time without disturbing our friends. Hairdressing service is a service provided not when the patient is sick, but when he needs care. Services should be performed by veterinarians who are experts and experienced in this field or people who have received pet hairdressing training.

You should definitely talk to our physicians about the service you will have before the procedure and make the most appropriate and healthy choice. Our physicians will choose the right technique by considering the breed, type, weight and age of our friends. Our clinic is very confident in this regard.

  • Bath service
  • Grooming service
  • Brushing and combing service
  • Ear and eye cleaning service
  • Nail cutting service

Make an Appointment

We will reply you within 24 hours. For EMERGENCIES, please call +90 546 107 36 00.

    Polyclinic Address

    Çağlayan Neighborhood 2030 Street No:10 Muratpaşa / Antalya

    0546 107 36 00 
    [email protected]

    Polyclinic Open Hours

    Pazartesi - Cumartesi09:00 - 19:00