entrderuHer gün 09:00- 19:00 +90 546 107 3600[email protected]



In our clinic, cancer treatment is designed specifically for each of our friends, taking into account the general health values and the status of the cancer.

All treatment types are examined by evaluating the results or findings of our friend. During the diagnosis, we make a detailed examination. Among these reviews,

  • Lab Analyses
  • X-ray
  • Ultrasound
  • Tomography
  • MRI
  • Imaging techniques such as PET scanning are used.

In the treatments we apply in this department, we adhere to the current international treatment methods and the pets are treated with advanced standards.

Oncological surgery is the standard treatment method alone in resectable local or locoregional tumours. It is a procedure used in combination with other tumour treatment procedures.

By following the correct and highly advanced scientific methods in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer cases, we give hope to our friend and it’s owners.

Make an Appointment

We will reply you within 24 hours. For EMERGENCIES, please call +90 546 107 36 00.

    Polyclinic Address

    Çağlayan Neighborhood 2030 Street No:10 Muratpaşa / Antalya

    0546 107 36 00
    [email protected]

    Polyclinic Working Hours

    Pazartesi - Cumartesi09:00 - 19:00